
Version 1.2


  • Javascript is now bundled and minified using webassets, meaning that Node and NPM are no longer required. Note that the use of some ES2015 code means that the web interface may not work in older browsers.
  • Reduce CPU usage with a real comb by limiting XMLRPC polling frequency.
  • Ensure timestamps are always returned when getting data via the HTTP interface.
  • Improve data downloading interface by using a datetime picker.

Version 1.1


  • Rework web user interface to use Vue.
  • Implement charts with Chart.js.
  • Use time zone aware timestamps on databases that support them. This breaks backwards compatibility: timestamp columns in existing databases must be manually altered to use (e.g., for Postgres, TIMESTAMP WITH TIME ZONE instead of TIMESTAMP WITHOUT TIME ZONE).

Updating existing tables with Postgres

To update the timestamp column to include time zones if using Postgres, you can issue the following SQL command:

    ALTER COLUMN timestamp TYPE timestamp with time zone
    USING timestamp AT TIME ZONE 'UTC';

This update should be performed after stopping Brush. Good practice dictates that a backup should also be made prior to altering the table.

Version 1.0


  • Rework database: use all data from the XMLRPC server and optionally save data even when the comb is not locked.
  • Simplify command-line usage: only data logging and basic web server for monitoring remain. Other features are still accessible via the brush.comb module to communicate with a frequency comb in other ways.

Version 0.2

(Unreleased, superseded by version 1.0.0)

  • Added a web interface to view data and monitor status
  • Improved command-line usage
  • Storage to SQL databases